The entire system in the foyer is a temporary setup. This year we used 72 lekos and 18 pars for the ambiance lighting. We also included LEDs, and par uplights through out the room. Here is a picture of the balcony and some of the lighting we added.
This year, admittedly, we went a little over board with the DJ stage. We used 12 SS cmys, and 80 Mega lights for the DJ stage. We created a canopy of LEDS (Under the sea) and used the spots for energy near the dance floor. The water like content we used on the LEDs looked amazing.
We tied in to the dimming system in the Sanctuary to power everything in the lobby. A feat that used over 200 adapters through out the room. Below is some setup pictures and the adapter bin.
We also made some changes in the Rink for the event. We built truss towers with 1 Mac 250 wash and 3 Versabar LEDs each.
Below are a few more pictures of the event.
Below is right before focus. It was super bright, nearly like daylight before all the color was in.
Below is the view from FOH, well side stair well control corner i should say.
We had 3 carts like this pretty much full of fixtures. The lobby is huge, you learn that very quickly trying to light it.